My Experience With Omnilux Contour

Introducing to you, Omnilux. It’s is my newest lil gadget that I have been loving. As you can see on my blog and social media pages, I really don’t recommend products or gadgets.

Now, anti-aging has become a priority for me. I do search around, but usually over the counter items aren’t that strong or the results are just ok.

Last year I became very intrigued with Red Light Therapy. I broke a bone in my foot and my Orthopedic doctor recommenced this new therapy to me as it would help with recovery.

After doing some research, I found a local doctor that actually offers the Red Light Therapy. By stimulating blood flow and oxygen through the red light, the therapy helped heal my injury quicker.

So you can imagine when I discovered Omnilux face contour. Like I said, I have been using this gadget for a little over a months now and the results are amazing!

I saw the following benefits: 1) My overall skin texture has improved 2) Smaller pores size 3) More blood flow to my face – resulting in less wrinkles 4) My products are actually sinking into my skin better

5) Less inflamed skin 6) Acne and scars healing faster with no scaring 7) More collagen production and plumper skin 8) I love that the device is rechargeable

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